Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day #3 - Parentals

Day #3 - Describe your relationship with your parents.
I have an awesome relationship with both my parents. They are both definitely in the best friend category. I would choose to hang out with my parents over a lot of people. They're hilarious, they love me unconditionally, they do everything they can for me, & they think that I'm funny ;) lol. I am so grateful that I have a good relationship with my parents. I have never really given them any grief, so I'm kinda the favorite child (sorry siblings.. You know it's true! ;]) Sometimes people get offended when you tell them that they're like their parents, but to me, that's a huge compliment. My mom knows everything. & if she doesn't know, she'll look it up. She is so productive & creative & always has the best ideas. I'll be happy if one day I'm half as awesome as her. My dad has the biggest heart of anyone I know. He is so giving & so good with kids. He's gonna be an awesome grandpa one day :)

okay, so maybe I'm not so great at this whole blogging EVERYDAY thing.. lol. I feel like I should shoot for something more realistic.. like more than once a week. So let's play catch up once again.. :)
This past weekend was awesome. I worked on Friday, then after work I went to Kade's & Boonie picked us up to go hang out at T's. We got sonic & hung out & talked for a while outside, then we went up to watch something. They decided to introduce me to Game of Thrones. I'm constantly hearing how awesome that show is, but nothing really fully prepared me for that. That show was just wayyy too much for me. Won't be watching that again. lol. 

Saturday I had this awesome idea to borrow Scotty so he could dye easter eggs with Kade & I. So Kade came over & we got everything ready. We got confetti eggs along with egg dying stuff, and stuff to make rice krispie eggs. Kayla & Em went with Kade scotty and & to lunch. That kid is just tooo much. He told La, "Come over here, I needa give you a kiss on the lips!" I told him that you're not supposed to ask to kiss a girl. you just do it. hahah. We spent the afternoon dying eggs, having a confetti egg fight in the backyard, playing hungry hungry hippos, and getting completely covered in dirt from head to toe. It was a lot of fun, but that kid has some serious energy. When we went to drop him off at home, we ended up staying and talking to his parents for like 3 hours. They're hilarious. Were gonna go to dinner with them sometime next week. I love that Kade & I have so many couple friends. It's awesome. After the Darrington's, we watched the first Star Wars movie, cause apparently it is just absurd that I haven't seen any of them. Too bad we both fell asleep 15 minutes in & woke up for like the last 15 minutes. Oops. Maybe we'll try again later. lol.

Sunday I listened to Conference on my phone then hung out with my dad for a lil bit, then Kade surprised me & came over :) Surprises are kinda my favorite, so I was excited. We watched Justified for a while & Gloria made sure to tell me that Conference said that it's time to get married.. lol. Thanks bestf. hah. I went to Kade's for dinner and it was delicious. I have no idea what it's called, but it was wayyyy good. Kade, his mom & I played skip-bo (they won, I didn't) and then we went to Patty's for game night.

Monday I had class all morning, then worked til 9:30. It was a long day, to say the least. but I did get a solid nap in while the kids watched Rango. Does that make me a bad nanny? I'm gonna go with no ;) I watched the NCAAMBB Championship game with Zach too. He was so excited that Kentucky won.
  I found this the next day. Poor AD. someone needs to help hin out with his unibrow situation. lol
Yesterday I wrote a history paper all morning, then last night after work Kade & I went to Jay & Kristen's to play. (NIght class? What's that? ;]) Jason & Jnet were over there too. It's always a good time with them.

anyway, until next time :)